In my opinion, there’s an opportunity for more accountability within our public schools. I don’t believe that decisions should be made based off of feelings, to make friends, or to go along with popular ideals. As humans, we all have clouded judgment from time-to-time. What we don’t all have is the ability to admit when we are wrong. I’ll be the first to admit when I’ve made a mistake. Honesty is always the best policy and we must always be accountable for our actions.

In addition to lack of accountability, an area of concern is the growing tax burden on the members of our community due mainly to real estate value increases. Our elected School Board members must have a firm grasp on district (as well as city, county, state) spending. They need to consider that there are families who are on the verge of being taxed out of their homes. Community members deserve the opportunity to vote on items that will have a significant financial impact on them.

With the rising costs of college, the duration it takes to complete a degree, and the strong demand for skilled trade workers, we need to focus on providing the tools and opportunities to help our students explore all post-secondary options - including college, trade/vocational school or heading straight into the workforce.